Dixie Twister Chair Swing (1)

  ☐ 1 – Carnival Ride Safety Sign
☐ 1 – 8 kw generator
☐ 1 – Check Air Pressure
☐ 1 – Fencing
☐ 1 – Ladder
☐ 1 – 2 Inch Ball for trailer
☐ 1 – magnetic flashing light
☐ 1 – tie straps
☐ 1 – control panel
☐ 1 – power cords
☐ 1 – pins


Power Supply Issues:

  • Check the power source to ensure it is functioning properly.
  • Verify that circuit breakers or fuses are not tripped or blown.
  • Check emergency stop buttons and reset them if necessary.

Control Panel Problems:

  • Inspect the control panel for any error codes or unusual indicators.
  • Check for loose or disconnected wires in the control panel.
  • Reset the control panel according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • All Seat Belts need to be buckled.
  • Nothing Hanging off of Ride.
  • No Low hanging Power Lines/ Trees/ Light poles, etc…
  • Remove all obstacles from Participants feet.
  • Make sure fencing covers entire area to prevent people from getting in the ride while operating.